York Youth Symphony Orchestra

Brian Buterbaugh
About the Orchestra
The York Youth Symphony Orchestra operates on the basis of having dedicated and highly motivated membership. Because this orchestra is committed to excellence, each member must contribute his/her best. An important part of the experience in the YYSO is the satisfaction of creating fine music through the combined efforts of all the members of the orchestra.
Members of the YYSO must also be active and in good standing with their school's music organizations. In cases where extenuating circumstances prevent student artists from being active in their school's ensembles, a written letter of permission to be a member of YYSO must be obtained from the local band or orchestra leader. In the event that a student and their school director are not able to resolve this issue, the YYSO conductor should be contacted, and the matter will be addressed by the YYSO conductor with the school conductor.
YYSO Music Director & Conductor
Attendance Policy
The very nature of participation in a performance group means that members shall attend all rehearsals and concerts, prepare adequately during the week, and cooperate in the group effort to achieve superior musical results.
If you are unable to attend a rehearsal for any reason you must submit an Absence Report Form with the reason for your absence at least one week prior to your anticipated absence, or as soon as you are aware of the conflict. This also includes arriving late, or leaving early.
Failure to provide this information will result in the absence being considered unexcused. Unexcused absences will not be tolerated and will be handled on a case-by-case basis by having the Music Conductor/Director evaluate the student’s position in the orchestra.
Students may have two (2) excused absences per concert cycle (fall/winter/spring). Arriving late to rehearsal counts as 1/2 an absence; leaving early counts as 1/2 an absence. Late arrivals and early departures must also be reported in advance to the Operations & Personnel Manager. Failure to do so will result in the ½ absence being considered unexcused. Whenever possible, please schedule college visits or other extra-curricular activities outside of rehearsal time.
Excused absences include:
School music and sports activities
Music festivals
Illness or related family emergencies
Emergency family issue
College visits (Please note: It is expected that college visits be scheduled during weekends when the YYSO does not rehearse, whenever possible.)
Attendance will be recorded at every rehearsal and performance. All absences should be reported to the Operations & Personnel Manager using the Absence Report Form. If you fail to report your absence, regardless of the reason, it will be marked as unexcused.
If there is a circumstance outside of the reasons listed above, please send an email to info@yorkyouthsymphony.org and brian.buterbaugh@yorkyouthsymphony.org.
Policies & Expectations
Whether rehearsing or performing with your YYSO ensemble, you are responsible for the following:
1. Complete Member Information forms and pay all fees promptly.
2. Regularly attend rehearsals and performances.
3. Notify Operations & Personnel Manager in advance of any absence.
4. Students should be on stage NO LATER than 8:25 am and should be thoroughly warmed up before rehearsal beings.
5. Be respectful of the concertmaster/mistress and the tuning process.
6. Stop playing when the Music Director/Conductor stops and listen carefully.
7. Be courteous when the Music Director/Conductor is working with others by not talking.
8. Except for tuners, NO electronic devices are permitted on stage. Use of electronic devices during the rehearsal dishonors the rehearsal process. Even if not playing, members are to remain mentally involved and engaged.
9. Maintain YYSO property with care; pay for any damage or loss.
10. Follow the official Concert Dress Code for the orchestra’s performances.
11. Leave candy, gum, and soda at home.
12. Leave homework at home—unless the rehearsal schedule permits leaving the rehearsal area.
13. It is expected that students come prepared for rehearsals. This includes string players acquiring updated bowings if they missed the last rehearsal. Failure to consistently prepare for rehearsals may result in seat demotion at the full discretion of the music director, with the consultation of the board.
14. Accept dismissal if, after consultation with the Music Director/Conductor, these requirements are not met.